No one likes being told NOT to leave their homes, as seen last year, nobody likes it. So, we are trying to contain Russians but how successful will it be? At least everyone has some access to the Internet at home. Yet, it is one of the most effective ways in preventing this spread.

In fact, the effect was immediate. From December to now, the number of infections have decreased ā€“ though little, albeit, any decrease shows progress. In the past, however, who knows what would have happened? The Soviet Union was rather weak in influence in comparison to the current state of Russia, but would we have been able to get past these pandemics like last year?

"Our oligarchs would have never invested in local hospitals. Why? Simply because they would never be treated in these certain hospitals, so why bother to continue on with these. Clearly, that is no longer the case, as hospitals are no longer overflowing in the area. We have finally started to contain the number of patients being taken in,ā€ Anastasia continues as my coffee brews.

In other words, the future can sometime look identical to the past. For my case, we replicate last years actions to the now. To move past this current upcoming epidemic, I believe we have to focus our preexisting and current resources into problems that are outbreaking now. The pandemic is hitting closer and closer to home everyday, that I wonder when this will eventually stop? Coronavirus took ages to get past, so who knows when this will pass.

Oh well, I have another day of work to get through and Iā€™m already running a little late.

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